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Wiley, A. E., P. H. Ostrom, H. F. James, A. J. Welch, R. C. Fleischer, H. Gandhi, J. R. Southon, T. W.
Stafford Jr, J. Penniman, D. Hu, and F. Duvall. 2013. Millennial-scale isotope records from a wide-ranging predator show evidence of recent human impact to oceanic food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(22):8972–8977.
Welch, A. J., R. C. Fleischer, H. F. James, A. E. Wiley, P. H. Ostrom, J. Adams, F. Duvall, N. Holmes, D. Hu, J. Penniman and K. A. Swindle. 2012. Population divergence and gene flow in an endangered and highly mobile seabird. Heredity 109:19-28.
Penniman, J. F. 2014. Seabird research and management on the Islands of Maui Nui. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. Juneau, AK.
Penniman, J. F. 2012. Lāna‘i Forest & Watershed Partnership. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
Adams, J., D. G. Ainley, J. F. Penniman, C. Bailey, J. Tamayose, F. Duvall, and H. Freifeld. 2012. Anti-cyclonic circulation and the long-range foraging movements of Hawaiian Petrels (Pterdroma sandwichensis) in the North Pacific. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI.
Penniman, J. F., F. Duvall, S. Aruch, C. C. Costales, and D. Duffy. 2010. Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis) endangered seabird management on the Island of Lāna‘i. World Seabird Conference. Victoria, BC, Canada.
Penniman, J. F., F. Duvall. 2010. Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus) on the Islands of Maui Nui. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
Costales, C. C., M. Masicampo, E. T. Morimoto, R. P. Gella, J. F. Penniman, F. Duvall. 2010. Outreach and public education for endangered species and watershed restoration on the Island of Lāna‘i. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
Adams, J., D. G. Ainley, J. F. Penniman, H. Freifeld, S. Flora. 2010. Anti‐cyclonic circulation and the long‐range foraging movements of Hawaiian Petrels (Pterodroma sandwichensis) in the North Pacific. Eos Trans. American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR.
Duvall, F. P., J. F. Penniman, B. V. Mahnken and C. C. Costales. 2009. Experimental restoration of Lāna‘i hale montane mesic forest for ‘Ua‘u (Pterodroma sandwichensis) habitat and watershed enhancement. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
Penniman, J. F., F. P. Duvall and C. C. Costales. 2008. Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis) on the Island of Lāna‘i, Hawai‘i – A previously unknown breeding colony. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. Blaine, WA.
Penniman, J. F., F. P. Duvall and C. C. Costales. 2007. The Lāna‘ihale ‘Ua‘u colony: Management guided by research results. Hawai‘i Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
Adams, J., D. G. Ainley, J. F. Penniman, and H. Freifeld. 2007. Summer movements of ‘Ua‘u (Pterodroma sandwichensis) nesting on Haleakalā and Lāna‘i: Can we use satellite tracking to gain new information and advise conservation management? Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. Pacific Grove, CA.
Adams, J., D. G. Ainley, H. Freifeld, J. F. Penniman, F. Duvall, J. Tamayose, C. Bailey, N. Holmes, M. Laut and G. Spencer. 2006. Summer movements of ‘Ua‘u (Pterodroma sandwichensis) nesting on Haleakalā & Lāna‘i: Can we use satellite tracking to gain new information and advise conservation management? The Wildlife Society Workshop – Seabird Conservation & Management in Hawai‘i. Kaneohe, HI
Penniman, J. F. and F. P. Duvall. 2006. ‘Ua‘u on Lāna‘ihale: History and current status. The Wildlife Society Workshop – Seabird Conservation & Management in Hawai‘i. Kaneohe, HI.