Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project (MNSRP) works with several local and visiting researchers to collect data for scientific studies. Some of our past and current research collaborators include:
Josh Adams — USGS, Western Ecological Research Center, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Frank Bonaccorso, Chris Todd, and Corrina Pinzari — USGS, Hawaiian Hoary Bat Project
Matthew McKown — Conservation Metrics
Thierry Work — USGS, National Wildlife Health Center
Robert Fleischer — Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics
Helen James — Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Anne Wiley — Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Peggy Ostrom — Michigan State University, Department of Zoology
David Hyrenbach — Hawaii Pacific University
Stacy Vander Pol — National Institute of Standards and Technology
Michelle Hester and Hanna Nivens — Oikonos
We would also like to thank and acknowledge our local partners for all their help, support, and funding throughout the years! Mahalo nui loa!